Sound Heart, Spiritual Health from the perspective of Islam
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Published: 17 January 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Background: The "spiritual self- care" approach requires understanding the concept of spiritual health and the characteristics of people with spiritual health. This Study was conducted to "investigate the concept of spiritual wellbeing from the perspective of Islam".
Methods: In this qualitative study, a systematic and targeted review was conducted to answer the question "What is the concept of spiritual health in Islam? Articles published between 1990 and 2018 were extracted in the Pub Med, science direct, Google scholar, SID, and Cochrane databases. The key words of the research were: perfect human, spiritual needs, spiritual wellbeing, and spiritual health indicators. At the same time, in the paradigm of the Islamic religion, the religious evidence (Quran and Habits) was examined for understanding the concept of the Soul from the unseen world. The "Shia Seminary” research methodology was used to avoid interpretations of the Quran verses and to ensure the authenticity of the Habits. Five commentary books and three authentic Shari narrative books were used. The concept of the soul (heart) was adapted from the "religious evidence". The concept of spiritual health was determined, having a sound heart
Results: In the philosophical view of the Abraham religions, human beings as the master of creatures have a soul of the unseen world, which gives him Existence. Perception, feeling, movement, consciousness, judgment, decision-making, power of will and choice, are capabilities that originate from his soul. The Quran calls the soul as “heart”. Shinas habit’s state that "the heart, as the commander of the body, is responsible for decision making, the command and forbidding the members, and through that man contemplates and understands. Different heart conditions in the Qur'an include: the Sound heart of the people with spiritual wellbeing, the heart of repentance, the sick heart of the wrongdoers.
Conclusion: The members of the spiritual counseling / care team should help patients and clients to achieve spiritual health. The owners of Sound heart reach spiritual health by gaining wisdom, chastity, courage, justice, friendship and intercession. So that they find a meaning in critical situations. Can bear their suffering. Spiritual health is essential, for health personnel, patients, families and healthy clients.
Keywords: Sound Heart, Spiritual Health, Islam.

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How to Cite
Minoo Asadzandi. (2019-01-17). "Sound Heart, Spiritual Health from the perspective of Islam." *Volume 3*, 1, 10-16